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  • Handmade
  • Delivery from a small business in

    United Kingdom

    Ordering items closer to you is more likely to reduce your purchase's carbon footprint.

  • Materials: Fill material: Polyester; Cover material: Suede
  • Width: 40 centimetres
  • Length: 40 centimetres
  •   Vegan suede soft feel cushion with a zipper top, grey back fabric, beautifully made. Every one of our designs starts life as a piece of art either painting or drawing it is then photographed and scanned onto fabric, it is printed and made up within the uk. This design is totally bespoke and unique to Tania Paige Designs. We can make any of our fabrics fit the look and feel of your home, please contact us.

    This design is called moon porthole, the original artwork was painted in acrylic paint on a 1m square canvas, it is the final photograph in the selection. This painting was scanned to fabric, and the cushion made, I then hand painted the silver accents onto the cushion to give it an extra pizazz. This is part of my final major project selection for my final year of a textile degree.

    Statement Print Cushion, Bespoke Designer Print 40cm Cushion, bold luxury, lim

    SKU: 934155322

      A subsidery of I&T Hills Limited 
      Registered in England 08761797 

      © 2023 Taniapaigedesigns

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